Arborists, City Foresters & Municipalities
These environmental scientists are a rapidly emerging market segment for us. Their shared needs require a deep knowledge of plant materials, access to highly specialized sourcing options, fully customized staging and delivery, along with a strong price-to-value ratio.
With our logistics program, we regularly consolidate loads, lowering the number of deliveries and reducing expensive downtime for your crews. We can also provide advance analysis of all design plans, saving you time and money, and providing the assurance that you’ll have the right plants, at the right time, for the right price.
Client Reviews
When we order plant materials for a landscaping project at Purdue, we have the option to use anyone, but we always start with Listerman & Associates. They are in contact with many nursery vendors and can always locate the plant material we need. Our plant materials have to meet a certain quality standard, and so far everything is coming in per standard. I would recommend Listerman & Associates.
Listerman sourced the trees we’ll use for our Arbor Day Event, ‘Purdue University Tree Campus USA Event’. The trees will be planted around power poles, so the trees must be containerized and the holes must be hand-dug. It’s not easy to find trees in containers but Listerman found them all and has even offered to come to the event and help dig.